Study mistakestags: study mistakes, ron swanson, bacon, homework help, study guides

When I was in college I made some very basic mistakes that made my life much harder: answering honestly when my girlfriend asked if a new dress made her look fat, co-signing on a lease with a guy who collected smurf dolls, while I should have use sources as capitol students accommodation to find the place to live.

More to the point, I also made some study mistakes that made my life tougher than it needed to be. Many of my friends made the same study mistakes. Make sure these study mistakes don’t cost you time and energy. First, I studied at the wrong times. I usually studied only once or twice a week for any given subject. I saved most of the heavy studying (read, “cramming”) for the week before the test. That was precisely the wrong way to do it.

Studying for fifteen minutes five times a week for that biology or history class is much more effective than studying for three hours once a week. The more you can make that material a part of your daily life, the more easily it will soak in to your brain. Learn more about exactly how to fix this study mistake here.

Second, I memorized and studied by repetition. I tried to learn things by and rereading my notes or texts. You might try to learn things by making flashcards or recordings that you review repeatedly. Either way, that’s the hard way.

The easy way to memorize that knowledge is by doing something with it. it to someone else. Repackage it as an or skit. Make a crazy story or mnemonic with it. Spray paint it on the wall of the police station.

These are all ways of learning that are much more effective than repetition. Although that last one might have other drawbacks, and could result in a lot of time alone in a jail cell with a guy named “Three-finger Sal.” See my ebook, Secrets Smart Students Know, or free video for more on avoiding this study mistake.

Third, I didn’t get help often enough. Note: this particular mistake seems mostly to afflict those of us with Y-chromosomes.  I don’t know about you, but I hated asking for help in college. I hated it like Barbies hate firecrackers. Like nudists hate splinters. Like babies hate doctors in clown outfits. I wouldn’t go to the prof’s office hours. I wouldn’t go to tutoring. I wouldn’t even check the interwebs–the lovely, lovely, interwebs.

If I had trouble, I muscled through it. That’s what Ron Swanson would do. And sometimes that strategy pays off.

But often it just wastes time; time you could spend waxing your mustache, building suspension bridges, or eating fried pig. So go get help sooner rather than later.

Chances are there is a better explanation of that tough topic online or at your local tutoring service than the one your professor provided. And face it; you’ll never be as manly as Ron Swanson anyway. Or Ron Burgundy. Sigh.

Number Four. I didn’t read the text before the class. I went to class and suffered through my professors’ long-winded, ummm-filled, rabbit-trailed, half-mumbled diatribes. I only read the text much later, when I could avoid it no longer.

That was unfortunate, because the text was almost always better organized than the professor’s lecture. It was also free of “ummms,” “uhhhs,” and other verbal place-holders. And it never wasted my time with asides on the faculty club’s unsatisfactory rendition of braised beef tips. If I had read the text first and taken notes from that, I could have used the book as my guide to make sense of the prof’s ramblings.

Finally, I didn’t plan my semester. I was a free spirit. I took life as it came. Zippity-doo-dah. —thought I—is for those who are slaves to schedules. Planning is for those who prefer safety over spontaneity. Planning is for accountants, pizza delivery personnel, and people who enjoy 3-D jigsaw puzzles.

I was a fool.

I suffered for my foolishness, usually around the end of the semester when I had two papers, a research project, and three finals all come due on the same day. I. suffered.

I could have avoided the pain with two simple tools. Two simple tools would have gotten me better grades, more free time, and the slumber of the blissfully unstressed.

The first is a calendar. The second? A daily to-do list. Find out more here.

So avoid the mistakes most college make. Plan your semester and your week. Read and take notes on your main texts before class. Get help from buddies, tutors, the internet, and your prof. Learn by working with the information rather than reviewing it over and over. And study in shorter more frequent bursts.

If you avoid those common study mistakes, everything will go better. Bluebirds will sing as you walk by. Small woodland creatures will dress you each morning. will bow to you in the hallowed halls of academia. And your grades will bring a tear of joy to your mother’s eye.

Become an Education Influencer with the Help of TikTok

Are you passionate about education and looking to make a positive impact on a large scale? TikTok, the popular social media platform known for its short-form videos, can be your ticket to becoming an influential figure in the education community. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage TikTok to become an education influencer and share your knowledge with millions of users worldwide.

Why TikTok?

TikTok has quickly emerged as one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1 billion active users worldwide. It offers a unique opportunity to connect with a vast audience through engaging and easily consumable content. With its short video format, TikTok allows you to deliver valuable educational content in a fun and entertaining way.

Not only does TikTok have a massive user base, but it also provides a level playing field for content creators. You don’t need fancy equipment or extensive editing skills to create compelling videos. All you need is your knowledge, creativity, and a smartphone to get started.

Tips for Becoming an Education Influencer on TikTok

1. Identify Your Niche: Determine the specific area of education you want to focus on. It could be mathematics, science, literature, foreign languages, or any other subject that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in.

2. Create Engaging Content: Keep your videos short, informative, and visually appealing. Use catchy captions, animations, and visual aids to capture your viewers’ attention. Remember, the is to make learning entertaining and accessible.

3. Be Authentic: Show your personality and let your passion for education shine through your videos. Authenticity is key to building a loyal audience who values your expertise and trusts your recommendations.

4. Interact with Your Viewers: Respond to comments, answer questions, and engage with your audience. Encourage them to participate in discussions and share their own learning experiences. Building a community around your content will help you grow your influence.

5. Collaborate with Other Influencers: Partnering with other education influencers can help you reach a broader audience and gain exposure. Look for like-minded creators and explore opportunities for collaboration or shout-outs in each other’s videos.

Boosting Your TikTok Presence

If you want to accelerate your growth on TikTok and reach more users, you can buy tiktok services from They offer various services to increase your visibility and engagement on the platform, such as targeted followers, likes, and comments. These services can provide a boost to your profile and help you gain traction in the competitive world of TikTok.

However, it’s important to remember that buying TikTok services should be used as a complement to your organic growth strategy. The true value lies in creating valuable content and building a genuine connection with your audience. Utilize the bought services wisely to enhance your visibility without compromising the authenticity of your profile.

TikTok presents a fantastic opportunity for aspiring education influencers to share their knowledge, inspire others, and make a positive impact on a global scale. By leveraging the platform’s wide reach and engaging format, you can create educational content that resonates with millions of users worldwide.

Remember to identify your niche, create captivating content, be authentic, interact with your viewers, and consider collaborating with other influencers. Additionally, if you want to give your TikTok profile an extra boost, consider exploring the TikTok services offered by

Start your journey to becoming an education influencer on TikTok today and inspire the next generation of learners!

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